Toyota PROACE recall 17SMD-001 - 3

Various electrical malfunctions recall
Recall affects Toyota PROACE
Reason for recall: Some ground cable eyelets and/or the fixation of the airbag control unit may not have been tightened correctly. As a result there is a risk of various electrical malfunctions e.g. engine stall fire hazard and airbag malfunction.
When was it announced?
Mar 20, 2017
What action are Toyota taking?
Recall the vehicles that are likely to be affected and check the condition of the ground cables and replace them if necessary. Then the various fixations will be checked and tightened if needed.
Does this affect your Proace?

This issue affects PROACE, this particular recall is for the Proace.

VIN Numbers
Not provided
Build Dates
Mar 3, 2016 - Dec 20, 2016