Volvo V70 passenger side always cold

Car: Volvo V70
Variant: T5
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Leaks & Noises
The heater controls on the V70 allow independent setting of driver and passenger temperatures. However, not in my car. While I toast nicely at the wheel, the passenger sits there chattering in the cold!!

So, where do I start?

One thing I did notice tonight, which may, or may not be related, is the legend around the heater control isn't lit on the passenger side.

This is not a climate control system, this is basic hot/cold knob with an A/C on/off button.

Answers on a postcard please.....???
Posted: Jan 5, 2010 (15 years ago)
Sounds like the air blend door on passenger side is stuck / not operating for whatever reason .Never done one on that car and don't know set up . If you read this , , they talk about recalibrating the blend doors . This is for an older model ,but the set up probably still applies to your car .Possible the actuator for flap is tied into the light on dash not working .Might be worthwhile checking all fuses are o.k and tight in fuse box. Best I can do to help .
Posted Jan 6, 2010 (15 years ago)

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