right, think i have solved the problem,as i mentioned i did change the lambda sensor .also the combined tenperature sender unit ,,it sends signals to both the guage and the ecu however i think theese may have been red herrings??,
what i found was that the vacum air temperature valve in the air filter housing (it has two pipes on it one from inlet manifold ,one to the cold or warm air intake valve in the intake pipe before the air filter housing)this appeared to be "letting by "when the car was at operating temperature ,so to test the theory i bypassed the valve alltogether thus stopping any vacum leak and setting the air intake to take only warm air from the exhaust manifold,,
the result the engine now warms far quicker ,mpg is about right (i think) but no comprehensive readings have been taken but after a 20 mile hard drive (usually about a gallon) the fuel guage only moved about the width of the needle,
i know these results are hit and miss as i changed two components before the final result but maybe this will help anyone else who is struggling,,just goes to show the best tools in the box are your eyes and ears!!,
,does anyone know where i can get a new valve searched net but no results??.
many thanks for everyones help,
best regards,
Posted Nov 16, 2009 (14 years ago)