Vauxhall Zafira speedo and abs light

Car: Vauxhall Zafira
Variant: 1.6 Life
Model Year: 2007
Categories: Leaks & Noises

Wonder if anyone can help me I have a problem with my car in the fact that when i start it up my speedo needle shoots up and down and makes a dinging noise in time with the needle also if my radio is on the sound will go up and down. Although 9 times out of 10 it does it more when stationary it sometimes will do it randomly when driving which pulls the car back.

In addition to this my ABS light keeps coming on the dash intermittently.

I am at my wits end my manufacturers warrenty expired last month and i only bought it at the end of October from an independent dealer who seems to just want to fob me off.

Any experiences of this problem would be greatly recieved.

Posted: Jan 8, 2011 (14 years ago)
Could be near side wheel speed sensor is faulty , this feeds info for speedo and ABS .Also have a check at wiring to sensor .Probably best bet would to get it scanned and see what faults show up .
Posted Jan 9, 2011 (14 years ago)

Many thanks for this I have heard mentioned a faulty ABS Control unit/module would u expect this to be an option also because from what I believe this can be anything upto £1300 trouble is its only just out of manufacturers warranty plus the guy i bought it from says that if that is the problem it wouldn't be covered under his 3 months warranty either so proving a bit of an issue.


Posted Jan 9, 2011 (14 years ago)
The solution you were given sounds like a good one but, don't forget, if you have only recently purchased your car and it is not fit for purpose you are protected by consumer law! It is especially hot on purchases of 2nd hand cars from 2nd hand car dealers!!! Also, if you used the services of a credit company to assist in the purchase of your car, that company is also responsible for the servicability or otherwise of your vehicle. Hard to believe but TRUE. I had to push my son to go down this road when he purchased a Mondeo estate ST from an independant dealer. He had the faulty fuel pump replaced by the dealer and then when the expensive dual mass flywheel and clutch went he had that paid for by the credit company. Saved him nearly £1500 and a lot of tears. DON'T BE FOBBED OFF. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. There is loads of info on the internet.
Posted Jan 9, 2011 (14 years ago)
May well be the ABS Control unit/module , quite common fault .Expensive to replace , that is why it's important that you get it diagnosed correctly .Check the warranty from dealer and see what it covers ,not surprised he is avoiding repairing it as it will cost him . Also , as car is just out of manufacturers warranty contact Vauxhall customer services and see if they will help .Could be they may make an abnormal warranty claim as a company gesture on repair or at least contribute to cost .I would also get some legal advice on dealer refusing to honour warranty on an important part of car , which has just been sold i.e ABS .You have got to keep on top of matter and dont let it slide .Best of luck , get back to forum if we can help further .
Posted Jan 9, 2011 (14 years ago)
get diagnostic done then you will know where fault lies
Posted Jan 9, 2011 (14 years ago)

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