Vauxhall Zafira code uo184

Car: Vauxhall Zafira
Variant: 2.0 SRI
Model Year: 2015
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
Hi I changed my battery on my Vauxhall zafira tourer 2015 and now have a fault codeUO184 do anybody have any suggestions as it makes the service light come up. I have cleared the fault but it still returns,
Posted: Dec 5, 2020 (4 years ago)
Check your radio ,

U0184 00 Lost Communication With Radio
Posted Dec 5, 2020 (4 years ago)
I have the radio is working fine but looks like a trip to the local dealer.
Posted Dec 5, 2020 (4 years ago)
Before you go to the dealer , assuming you have reset service light as well as clearing the code , try disconnecting the neg lead of battery for 45mins .
Posted Dec 5, 2020 (4 years ago)
I have done all three items but the code still comes back such a pain.
Posted Dec 6, 2020 (4 years ago)
Really strange , looks like no alternative but to visit the dealers . Would be interested in the solution if you could may be let the forum know after it is resolved.

U0184-Lost Communication with Radio
June 09, 2017 Add Comment
U0184 Lost Communication with Radio - Bus messages not received from the Radio for approximately two ti five seconds.When monitored, with the ignition on, battery voltage between 10 and 16 volts, ignition Of Draw (IOD) fused installed, totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) or Body Control Module (BCM).

U0184-Lost Communication with Radio

Possible cause U0184 code:
CAN Interior Bus (+) (125k) circuit short to voltage.
CAN Interior Bus (-) (125k) circuit short to ground.
DTC related to battery voltage, ignition, or VIN Messages.
TIPM/BCM configured correctly.
Radio power and ground.
Module that set the DTC.

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U0151-Lost Communication with Occupant Restraint Controller (ORC)
U0100 CHRYSLER, Check Engine Lamp On, Multiple CAN C BUS DTCs
Diagnose U0184-Lost Communication with Radio

Step 1. Verify the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is active
Make sure the IOD fuse installed and battery voltage is between 10 and 16 volts before proceeding. With the scan tool, read DTC active.

Is this DTC active ?

Yes, go to step 2.
No, refer to Sitemap/labels-Non DTC diagnostic (communication) and perform the Stored Lost Communication.

Step 2. Check for any of the following active DTC
With the scan tool, read active DTC from all modules. Check for TIPM/BCM configuration, CAN Interior Bus hardware electrical, VIN Missing/Mismatch, battery or ignition related DTC.

Does the scan tool display any active DTC to the conditions listed above ?

Yes, go to and perform the appropriate diagnostic procedure.
No, go to step 3.

Step 3. Verify the Radio is active on the Bus
Turn the ignition on, with the scan tool, view all modules. Verify the Radio is active on the Bus.

Is the Radio active on the Bus ?

Yes, go to step 4.
No, refer to Sitemap/labels-Non DTC diagnostic (communication) and perform the no response from Radio.

Step 4. Check for additional communication related DTC
With the scan tool, view all modules.

Is there more than one module with active DTC ''Logged Against'' the Radio ?

Yes, replace/update the Radio. Perform the Body Verification Test.
No, go to step 5.

Step 5. Clear DTC in module setting fault
With the scan tool, select the module setting the DTC against the radio, clear active DTC.

Is this DTC still active ?

Yes, replace/update the module that set this DTC. Perform the appropriate verification test for the module being replaced. If there is no verification test for the associated module perform the Body Verification Test.
No, go to step 6.

Step 6. Cycle Ignition
Cycle the ignition from RUN to OFF three times ending with the key in the RUN position.

Does this DTC become active ?

Yes, go to step 7.
No, the condition is not present at this time. Using the wiring diagram/schematic as a guide, inspect the wiring for chafed, pierced, pinched, and partially broken wires and the wiring harness connectors for broken, bent, pushed out, and corroded terminals. Perform the Body Verification Test.

Step 7. Check for additional lost communication faults
With the scan tool, view all modules.

Does the TIPM/BCM and other CAN C Bus modules show any lost communication DTC with the remaining CAN C Bus modules ?

Yes, go to step 8.
No, replace/update that module that set this DTC. Perform the appropriate verification test for module being replaced. If there is no verification test for the associated module perform the Body Verification Test.

Step 8. CAN Interior Bus (+) (125k) circuit shorted to voltage
Measure the voltage between the CAN Interior Bus (+) (125k) circuit and ground.

Is the voltage above 5.0 volts ?

Yes, repair the short to voltage in the CAN Interior Bus (+) (125k) circuit.
No, go to step 9.

Step 9. CAN Interior Bus (-) (125k) circuit shorted to ground
Turn the ignition off, measure the resistance between ground and the CAN Interior Bus (-) (125k) circuit.

Is the resistance below 10k ohms ?

Yes, repair the short to ground in the CAN Interior Bus (-) (125k) circuit.
No, replace/update the module that set this DTC. Perform the appropriate verification test for the module being replaced. If there is no verification test for the associated module perform the Body Verification Test.
Posted Dec 6, 2020 (4 years ago)

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