Turbo fits into the exhaust,
Exhaust gas pressure spins an impeller so pressurising the intake.
Basically force feeding more air into the intake manifold.
And frankly buddy if you can't find it you really shouldn't be looking for it.
No offense.
As stated in my previous answer get it smoke leak tested.
Find a garage that has the Equipment.
What it involves is smoke from this special machine is injected into the intake manifold and if there is a crack or anything else smoke can be seen coming out of the area.
Pretty much failure proof.
I did a Merc ML diesel in front of the owner and didn't even get to call it,
He shouted "it's coming from there!".
Which in his case was the inlet manifold.
So even looking by eye it wouldn't have shown up anything without the smoke machine test.
Posted Sep 23, 2016 (8 years ago)