Vauxhall Zafira car switching off

Car: Vauxhall Zafira
Variant: 10 registration Deisel Manual
Model Year: 2010
Categories: Engine & Drivetrain
Can someone help.

Zafira 10 Reg, Deisel manual,
Ive had crank sensor & timing sensor. The car is starting up, but keeps cutting. Then start again & then cuts off.

Can someone advise..or if you had similar problems what did you do.

my contact no: 07713 44 9294. feel free to call/text.


Posted: Nov 20, 2015 (9 years ago)
Possible fault in the security system,
when it "CUTS" what's the state of the little yellow key icon on the dash?
on or off?
If it's off when you crank to start is there any register on the rev counter?
Posted Nov 20, 2015 (9 years ago)

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