I assumed you had removed the motor when you said " pulled the unit out " if so you should check motor brushes .You NORMALLY gain access through the glove compartment but may vary with different/ later years .Some heater motors on cars with electronic climate control will be different .Dont know if this applies to your year ,
"I found the resistor, thanks to the Haynes manual I checked at the local library. No need to remove any blower motor, just remove the pollen filter and you can easily push it out from inside the air duct. Haynes describes the operation in 4 simple steps:
1. Remove glovebox
2. Remove lower trim panel and the air duct
3. Unclip the cover and remove the pollen filter
4. Push the resistor upwards disconnect the wires and 'voila'
It seems it's a common problem, usually associated with a clogged pollen filter in addition to the root cause (ie that it's a Vauxhall!). It also seems that often it's not the resistor pack itself that has failed, but the thermal fuze which "protects" it. This fuze can allegedly be replaced with a few minutes of soldering work, using a stock item from Maplin costing a squid or so:
Just a quick update, Got the part out, thermal fuse had blown.(as predicted)
Went to maplins got the 152c version for 0.69p (bargain) Part no:-RA17
Easy to repair
Which is probably better than the >£100ish that Vauxhall charge for the resistor pack...
Posted Dec 10, 2013 (11 years ago)