I have a similar problem, it will tick over for a hour with no noises, etc, as soon as I drive it the red oil light comes on with stop! I have just changed the oil and filter, I was hoping to check the oil pressure, but I cannot find the pressure switch, it is hiding very well.
Posted: Jan 17, 2022 (3 years ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Is it not down by the oil filter ? There are also problems with the oil pump , pick up on that vehicle
Thank you, I have now located the oil pressure switch, and you were correct, it is on top of the filter housing, I had to remove top of the bumper and other plastic panels, but I can now see it !! Going to check the pressure reading tomorrow
Posted Jan 18, 2022 (3 years ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Thank you for update , hope pressure is good
Yes I have now checked the pressure about 4 bars, when warm, so now to fit a new switch, the old one was full of oil.
Thank you
Posted Jan 18, 2022 (3 years ago)
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