Vauxhall Vectra power loss

Car: Vauxhall Vectra
Variant: 2.0 dti
Model Year: 2004
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
any suggestions or help appreciated.
i have a diesel vectra, when you ask it to go over 2700 revs it gives a jerk and wont go above 2700 revs and black smoke comes out of the exhaust during gear changes.
took it to the garage, the computer indicated the air mass meter was at fault, had a bosch one fitted and no difference, the auto electricain looked at it and said it was the egr valve - had a new one fitted and still the same, mechanic has check out the vac pipes put a new diesel filter on and still its broken. when i stop the car and turn the engine off and restart its ok for a while. at the end of my tether with the dam thing, even my gargae is loathed to do anything else to it.
Posted: Feb 26, 2011 (14 years ago)
Checked all hoses / pipes for leaks or collapsing ? Checked for turbo fault ?
Posted Feb 26, 2011 (14 years ago)

it sounds like you have a faul with the supply of vac to the solenoids (pair by the left headlight) that control the throttle flaps and egr valve the turbo control solenoid is around by the right strut area all the solenoids are the same and can be swapped.

dieselal`s top tip for the day wear a latex glove dont worry it wont hurt, remove the engine cover and find the vacume pump its on the left hand end of the head and remove the small rubber elbow that is on the wee brass pipe thats bent at a right angle on the underside of the vacume pump once the pipes off start the car and at idle put you latex fingered glove on the end of the brass pipe and slowly move your funger away you should be able to move your finger at least 25-30 mm befor the glove comes off. it should instatly reattch if you put your finger back on the pipe, the vacume pump is not long term repairable, if you vac supply is ok one or more of the vac control solenoids could be faulty.

top tip number 2 you can use a lenth of pipe to check the operation of the egr throttle flaps and turbo if you lived near stirling i would fix it for you :) i love disel vectras there good fun to fix not many have got past me lol sad i know ;) just in a good mood and happy to help
Posted Jun 3, 2011 (13 years ago)

Did you get this problem sorted? I am having the exact same issue. Its driving me mad & havnt got the time at the moment to try & fix it myself so am wondering how much it may cost to get sorted?
Posted Jun 20, 2011 (13 years ago)

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