Vauxhall Vectra irratic fuel consumption, fixes when turn off and re-start engine

Car: Vauxhall Vectra
Variant: 1.9 CDTI SRI 150 (Auto)
Model Year: 2008
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss

When driving along the engine starts pulling quite irratically and the fuel consumption changes on the display, normally circa 55mpg @ 70mph on motorwaw and this drops to about 28-31mpg. When parked on tick over normally the engine sits at 0.3gal p/hr consumption but when this happens it goes up to 1.1 and it seemd like the engine timing is out. If i cut out the engine and re-start it then the prpoblem goes away but thsi could happen 10 times on a 50 mile journey. PLEASE HELP!

Posted: Dec 1, 2010 (14 years ago)
Lots of possible causes , best to get a diagnostic scan and see what shows ,otherwise just guessing .

Posted Dec 2, 2010 (14 years ago)
This sounds like your DPF is blocked. (Diesel Particulate Filter) This usually occurs between 55,000-70,000 mls. Your car is using the fuel to regenerate (clean)the filter. To help clear the problem you need to build back pressure by driving the vehicle at high revs for 15-20 minutes. It's best in 3rd gear around 60-70mph.
The worst thing you could do is switch off and start again! This then resets the regeneration process and could harm your engine. Once the process is complete, you should get a circle of white smoke from your exhaust pipe(s) and this should signal the end of the regeneration. Depending on your model, a new DPF for a vectra starts at £400!!!! I had the same problem for over a month and did exactly the same as you. Vauxhall couldn't find the fault on the 5 occasions it was taken in. It was only after I lost my temper with the service manager that he realised what the problem could be and apologised and admitted they had never even thought of it!!!!
Posted Jan 21, 2011 (14 years ago)

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