Vauxhall Vectra electronics ?

Car: Vauxhall Vectra
Variant: 1.9td
Model Year: 2008
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Even when engine is off

1. Noises from electronics like buzzing, clicking, clanging especially around boot area

2. Boot half opens when remote Fob is pressed to open card doors
3. Boot lid Button sticks in 'pressed in' position and needs banging on boot lid before it pops out to press to open
4. Engine icon symbol stays on (lit) on dash board
5 When Engine Icon Light is Off the problem 1-3 seems solved until it repeats itself again

Opel can't solve problem
Any help would be welcome
Posted: Feb 14, 2014 (11 years ago)
sounds like your locking system is playing games with you. you will need to see a auto electrician
Posted Feb 14, 2014 (11 years ago)
First thing I would do was get it scanned and see what codes are shown Boot lid button needs freed off or replaced and lock / linkage / actuator checked out .
Posted Feb 14, 2014 (11 years ago)

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