Vauxhall Vectra engine loosing power

Car: Vauxhall Vectra
Variant: 2.0 DTI manual
Model Year: 2004
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Driving along and all of a sudden the engine management light came on and the car lost all power. So pulled over and turn car off and restarted and everything was fine and the engine management light had gone off. Then 200 yards down the road the exact same thing happened and again I turned off he engine, started the car again and set off and further down the road the engine management light came on again and there was no power when I pressed excellerater and there was no revs, but the engine was still running. Stopped the car and when restarted all symptoms had gone and the car was fine but haven't used it since as don't wan to brake down. I've been told it might be the EGR value do you have any other ideas what it may be?
Posted: Sep 22, 2013 (11 years ago)
Many possible causes , without getting it scanned just guessing i.e could be the throttle pedal position sensor acting up .
Posted Sep 22, 2013 (11 years ago)
I have the same problem with mine took it to vhauxhall said I shuld change fuel pump nd regulator of which I did and the problem still there, help if u managed to fix urs
Posted Feb 20, 2014 (11 years ago)

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