Vauxhall Insignia gear selection

Car: Vauxhall Insignia
Variant: Hatchback
Model Year: 2016
Categories: Gearbox & Clutch
I've had a new complete new clutch gearbox parts and behind the peddle.
Just over a week later I have problems when it up to temperature I could not get any gears what so ever.
It's back at the place that did the work but they didn't even know why
Please help me
Posted: Mar 23, 2022 (2 years ago)
Who ever carried out the work should check and locate the cause when the fault is there . Not rocket science to find the cause. Guessing not a Vauxhall dealership ?
Posted Mar 23, 2022 (2 years ago)
Replying to post by whittingehame:
Who ever carried out the work should check and locate the cause when the fault is there . Not rocket science to find the cause. Guessing not a Vauxhall dealership ?
So what's you thoughts on this problem.
No it's not a dealship they are clutch specialist
Posted Mar 23, 2022 (2 years ago)
Clutch specialist who cant fix it ..................................... If done by VX dealership they use original parts . It's possible the parts fitted are faulty , but should be covered by their warranty . I am in no position on here to check out and diagnose the cause . It could be a hydraulic fault , clutch assembly fault , gear/box fault , gear shift cable / linkage etc. If they cant fix it , you need to get someone better to check it over , and if faulty parts or workmanship , recoup the costs from them .
Posted Mar 23, 2022 (2 years ago)

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