Vauxhall Insignia limp mode, no power and eml on

Car: Vauxhall Insignia
Variant: 2.0 ecoflex diesel
Model Year: 2010
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Driving home from work today slowing down coming off a dual carriage way, my insignia felt very under powered. It stalled at the lights and when I restarted engine it felt like the engine would not rev over 2000 rpm.
Managed to get home, check for boost pipe splits everything intact, oil and coolant still where it should be,
Can any body please advise, car is nearly on its 20k oil change interval.
It has ran well last few weeks, with no faults and felt fine up to this issue!!
Posted: Sep 17, 2017 (7 years ago)
The only way to find the problem is to get it scanned .
Posted Sep 17, 2017 (7 years ago)

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