Vauxhall Insignia cold start

Car: Vauxhall Insignia
Model Year: 2010
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Since having the car, 2 years, the choke has never worked properly. As the choke shut off the car stalled.It always started again and was fine once warmed up. Recently i've had the head gasket replaced along with the cam belt. After this the car would not idle. The throttle body was changed and the coil pack was changed twice. Now the car runs once warmed up but the cold start problem is worse than ever. I have to rev the engine until it's up to temperature as it won't idle at all now. Once it's warmed up, after a good 5 minutes of revving, it runs ok.
Posted: Jan 2, 2017 (8 years ago)
The car will have fuel injection so there is no choke. The cold start problem will probably be a the engine coolant sensor. It does the same job as the choke in older car's.
Posted Jan 2, 2017 (8 years ago)

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