Vauxhall Insignia wont start

Car: Vauxhall Insignia
Variant: 2.0 sri nav
Model Year: 2009
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
information came up dpf was full so i did what my hand book told me to do it then went in to limp mode so i took it for a half hour drive and kept the revs at 2,500 rpm to clear it as i have done before yesterday on start up it sounded like a tractor for a few minutes reved it up all was ok then went to start the car last night it would not fire up tryed it four times so my mate came and tryed to jump start it but it would not start so left it for 5 minutes connected to put some life in battery tryed to start it no joy it was trying so towed it back to my place and this morning put it on charge at 10am tryed to start it and failed lights on dashboard flicker on and straight off when i turn the key
Posted: Sep 6, 2016 (8 years ago)
1st off it sounds like the battery has gone.
Try charging it off the car for at least 24 hours.
Posted Sep 6, 2016 (8 years ago)

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