Vauxhall Corsa no power from engine / hissing noise

Car: Vauxhall Corsa
Variant: 1.2 Trip
Model Year: 1996
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
When I first brought my car 8 months ago the speed was fine could do 70 on the motorway and go up hill as good as the next 1.2, my problem is that just before xmas I started losing power, the car struggles to get up to speed in any gear and it wont go above 50mph even with my foot fully down unless it going down a steep hill then I can get it to do a bit more, and it will only go up even the smallest hills at about 15 mph (which obviously annoys the drivers behind me) and I've noticed when I have my window open I can hear a hissing noise coming from the engine when I put my foot down to pick up speed, but as soon as I let off the noise is gone, any advice or clue on what is causing this would be great
Posted: May 7, 2011 (13 years ago)
You could have a choked cat or exhaust . Check under bonnet for any hoses / air pipes leaking or off .
Posted May 7, 2011 (13 years ago)
I can't see anywhere I could be leaking from and can't hear the hissing when I have the bonnet up the engine is running and stationery, the oil was changed with a service when I had the car, it is very runny and has a slight shine to it (the place it was done we well dodgy), also had to replace the dizzy cap when I first had the car because it was miss fired and non starting, I noticed when running it in neutral and putting my foot on the accelerator as I let off there is a putt putt sound from the exhaust, Hope this extra info help
Posted May 7, 2011 (13 years ago)
To add to earlier post , check plugs , leads and if wrong / cheap oil in engine this could affect hydraulic tappets from operating correctly .
Posted May 7, 2011 (13 years ago)

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