Vauxhall Corsa engine revs climbing when changing gear

Car: Vauxhall Corsa
Variant: 1.2 SE
Model Year: 2010
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
My wifes Corsa has developed a fault that has only just appeared in the last week, when you are changing gears up or down the gearbox the revs increase (by about 500 - 1000 rpm) as you press down on the clutch (foot well off of the accelerator),the car is only 2 months old and has only covered 800 miles, I took the car into my local Arnold Clark garage and after the head technician had test drove it I was informed(read as spun a line) that it is a special feature on the car that the engine managemant system knows you want to change gear and increases the revs, it will also sense if you are in too high a gear if the revs are low and also increase the revs, has anyone ever heard of this ?
Posted: Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
Never heard of it . If it was normal , why has it just started and did not do it from new ???? Why would you need to increase revs to change gear ???? Would be interested in hearing the reasoning for this and the outcome .Must be good for your fuel economy revving like that every time you change gear , not !!!!
Posted Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
Exactly why increase the revs to make for a smoother gear change, it just makes it more jerky, now if it increased on a down change yes I could understand that if it was a racing car but not a wee shopping car, I have emailed Vauxhall about this special feature but have not heard back from them yet, if anyone has a solution or can suggest a fix or even who would be the best person to contact at Vauxhall I would be most greatful
Posted Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
i take it the idle speed is ok?if so it could be throttle butterfly is sticking,if you can get to it try giving it little spray with wd40,if car still under warranty then take it back and insist problem is still there.
Posted Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
Dont touch or try anything on car to rectify this fault as it will cause problems / invalidate warranty .On a 2 month old car ,having done only 800 mls you should sling it back to dealers .Try Vauxhall customer services , though they may be closed over holidays .You could phone another Vauxhall dealer not in the A. Clark group like and speak to them re. fault .This will give you something to back up your complaint against A .Clarks , dont let it slide .
Posted Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
I have emailed Vauxhall customer care department and I have had a phone call back from them and they are going to phone back tommorrow, but from the way they were speaking it didn't appear to be a feature, but when I hear back I'll post again, thanks for the help so far
Posted Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
Car went back to garage today, the head of the service dept has said that they need to order a switch for the clutch, but after having it for 6 hours the car doesn't rev changing gear now, but they would not explain what the problem or fix was ?
Posted Jan 5, 2011 (14 years ago)
hi brainic

i have the same problem with my corsa sxi 10 plate bought it new and after 2months the revving started! it also disables my cruise control. The problem is that the ecu cannot see the clutch sensor switch, causing the revving to occur my clutch sensor pedal was replaced and the problem disappeared it then came back a couple of weeks later they then replaced the ecu a couple of weeks after that it happened again!after the third time i requested a replacement vehicle and it was rejected by vauxhall customer services,i have had the technician in peter vardy drive the car and ignolleged the problem but as soon as the computer is connected to the car the problem 'disappears' after a couple of minutes. this fault has occured 8 times! i am now persuing the vauxhall technician (not dealer actual manufacturer)to attend when when the car is next in. i have been speaking to alexander from vauxhall customer service if you wish to reference my name and registration it is david duff car reg sd10 pgf it sounds like the same problem
Posted Feb 6, 2011 (14 years ago)
we have the same problem and our garage changed the thermostat, we only got it back today.

what was the outcome of all of your problems ie did it ever get a permanent fix or did you manage to get a replacement car!!!
we appear to be banging our heads against a brick wall with the garage.

60 plate 1.2 sxi
Posted Feb 29, 2012 (13 years ago)
Hi just wondering if anyone has had the same problem as I am having?? WARNING to driving instructors about vauxhall corsa 60 plate onwards!! You have prob seen over the past couple of months I have been having problems with my 60 plate Corsa :-( 6 times vauxhalls have tried to correct the fault and failed! Fault being When you take your foot off the accelerator and put the clutch down to change gear it revs itself right up like you have kept your foot on the accelerator! Vauxhalls turned around to me today and said the fault is caused by the car being drove wrong and if you have not fully took your foot off the gas before putting the clutch down on 4 accessions this fault will happen! My answer was I've been working as an instructor for 11 years and always had a corsa to which he replied you haven't had a corsa with this new software have you (in a nasty voice) he told me I need to disconnect the ECU and battery myself then leave it for 10 mins then reconnect it!! So I said your telling me that driving instructors and also people who are on incapacity shouldn't buy one of your cars as you can't drive them wrong 4 times? He said I'm just telling you your driving the car or your learners are driving the car wrong!! What a load of @##*!
Posted Mar 31, 2012 (12 years ago)
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