Vauxhall Corsa body control module

Car: Vauxhall Corsa
Variant: 1 litre
Model Year: 2004
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Have a Hanes manual but it doesn't state what the Body Control Module Does - Can anyone explain and also it doesn't identify the relays in the fuse box can anyone identify which ones do what.

Many thanks........ Gasman
Posted: Mar 5, 2008 (17 years ago)
the body control module communicats with all the sensors ie when the engine is warm the fuel mixture is adjusted ie choke but to find out more on what the bcm does get in touch with a dealer as they will be happy to help as for the fuses/relays look on the reverse of the cover and there will be a picture illustration identifying what is what
Posted Mar 5, 2008 (17 years ago)
Hi, first of all why do you need to know. it controls all of the body functions including lights, immobiliser, alarm , air con, it is located under the bonnet on the passenger side next to the battery inside the fuse box. what problem are you having.
Posted Mar 11, 2008 (17 years ago)

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