Vauxhall Corsa corsa 2021 elite nav premium - issues with electrics and locking

Car: Vauxhall Corsa
Variant: Elite Nav Premium
Model Year: 2021
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & Lights
Got intermittent issues where the comfort lock (when walk to car and it opens/closes) doesnt work. Then the fobb x2 wont work periodically, which means have to open with the key manually.

In addition, the alarm has gone off, I think more than once, for no reason and the headlights when walked toward the car (no key on me) were flashing for no reason.

The infotainment system sometimes looses connection to my phone when playing music through that and on one occasion there was a loud bang and the screen went black and wouldn't repond. Had to turn on and off again.

It is under a three year warranty, but from the appointment confirmation it appears as if Vauxhall want to charge me for a diagnostic!!

Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly accepted.

The purchase of a car, which in my eyes was very expensive, is somewhat being tarnished with all the intermittent issues I am experiencing.
Posted: Jul 17, 2024 (8 months ago)
It could be related to a low car battery , might be worth checking voltage / LOAD testing . Especially if used for short trips , stop / start journeys . May be low and a charge could possibly fix it . If they find a fault , dispute the diagnostic charge they used to discover the cause .
Posted Jul 17, 2024 (8 months ago)

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