Vauxhall Corsa cutting out

Car: Vauxhall Corsa
Variant: 1.2
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Ive have had the car for seven months now, and recently as its been getting colder it has been struggling, it pulls and wont rev, and now since the really cold weather it will start but as soon as i put my foot on the accelerator it cuts out and stalls, ive not been able to drive it for a couple of weeks now. Before it was off the road it was using an awful lot of petrol (about £20 to get 24 miles) and it also has an oil leak if this could be anything to do with it? (although i do check it everytime before i drive it). I really have no idea what could be the problem, and is it worth trying to fix it?
Posted: Feb 17, 2012 (13 years ago)
Take it for a code read this will tell you if there are any faults listed i would have a guess at air flow meter
Posted Feb 18, 2012 (13 years ago)
But i physically cant move the car, it will only tick over, every time i put my foot on the accelerator, the engine cuts out, is there nothing i could check with out getting it towed to the garage?
Posted Feb 19, 2012 (13 years ago)

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