Vauxhall Corsa engine issues

Car: Vauxhall Corsa
Variant: 1.4 petrol
Model Year: 1998
Categories: Engine & Drivetrain
got a second hand vauxhall corsa 1.4 R reg, the issue is every now and again the engine refuses to start, to the point where ive had to leave it at work overnight, or get it towed back to mine. theres fuel in it and it runs fine all the other times, oil is good. im not very mecahnic savvy so not sure what to look for, any help is good help, cheers
Posted: Jan 25, 2012 (13 years ago)
Damp sometimes do's this buy some wd40 and spray it over the ht leads then turn it over if that fails try looking to see if it has a spark when you turn it over this means take a plug lead off (just one) remove the plug put it back into the lead leave it ontop of the engine get someone to turn the engine over look for a spark if no spark prob may be the coil
Posted Jan 25, 2012 (13 years ago)
may well be crank sensor fault
Posted Jan 25, 2012 (13 years ago)
I have had a similar issue and it was the crank sensor.But best check it out first try and see whats not happening.i.e. getting fuel ,spark,?
Posted Jan 25, 2012 (13 years ago)

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