As previously suggested could be worn engine , might also be worth checking engine breathing system for any blockages / restrictions .Here is another owners solution ,
Mon 21 Sep 2009 16:25 02 1.6 (8v) Where does the oil disappear to? -
Had a similar occurrence on my old Astra 1.6L SXI (52 reg).
I had the car for seven years and what was odd is that the engine did not burn or leak oil.
But, every now and then the oil would just disappear.
I checked the oil every week and for five or six weeks with the oil level would be ok, then it would be on the minimal marker.
I came to the conclusion that the engine will burn oil if low.
So my work around was to fill the oil level till almost full and guess what it never used oil then from then on.
I suspect the 1.6L engines use oil if below some level but didn't burn a drop of oil if it was kept high (3/4 to nearly high marker).
This was my work around and I can say that in seven years of ownership this work around did help.
Posted Sep 25, 2010 (14 years ago)