Vauxhall Astra low speed noise

Car: Vauxhall Astra
Variant: 1.4 SRI
Model Year: 2014
Categories: Steering, Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres
Hi guys
Have a low speed noise but no vibrations on my Astra 2014 j
Its seems to happen at around 15-35mph, higher or lower speeds i get smooth runing noise .
My vauxhall dealer technician took it for a spin with me as passeger and said it sounded like wheel bearing. Back to shop ramped up and checked as a clean bill of health.
Its just had a full service . Scratchy head time and more investigations but nothing found. They even convinced my that its nothing but more likely road noise.Did think it was maybe worn or not balanced tyres so when i got the car home i swapped fonts to back but still same problem.
The other thing i tested was coasting at same speeds to see if it was drive-train issues but still same.
Appreciate any advice
Posted: Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
Did your tech use any type of sensor to check the bearing?
Even a mechanics stethoscope?
Because to me this sounds like a chipped roller,
And these can be difficult to hear without an aid.
Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
Appreciate your time with this as i feel a little fobbed off by Vauxhall.
Its a shame as i do love the motor.
Dont think they used anything to test noise.
Good advise
So when you say chipped roller is that an imminent failure rendering the vehicle u/s
Can you expand a little more.
Cheers Will
Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
Puting it on ramp doesn't really help to check wheel bearing as tt is under no load .Only helps to check for excessive wear .There is often no wear / movement on noisy bearing . At that speed of noise I often ran each individual wheel on rolling road / brake tester and isolated exactly where it was coming from . I often jacked up each side and ran on stand / jack to listen for noise .Didn't ALWAYS work as it was hanging but did sometimes .
Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
Thankyou so much for finding time to reply,so appreciative.
Taking back to vauxhall next week so i will keep all posted just in case anybody else has same issue.
Working this together is massive
Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
Thankyou so much for finding time to reply,so appreciative.
Taking back to vauxhall next week so i will keep all posted just in case anybody else has same issue.
Working this together is massive
Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)
I had a chipped bearing on a bike once,
Had to ride it at walking pace it was so bad,
Pedestrians gawping as I rode by with what sounded like a cat strapped to the front wheel,
on each rotation when it hit the bad point it screamed!!
And there was absolutely no bearing play to be detected.
Once I got the bearing out I discovered the seal had let go and water had got in to the races,
Water= rust so shot bearing.
As stated by previous respondent some time having it on the ramp just doesn't show anything up as no load on the bearing.
But I can usually hear it with my mechanic stethoscope and someone in the air keeping the car running and the wheels turning under drive.
Posted Jun 22, 2018 (6 years ago)

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