Toyota Celica heated rear window not working

Car: Toyota Celica
Variant: 1.8st
Model Year: 1997
Categories: Leaks & Noises
heated rear demister not working
checked fuses ok
checked element ok
swithch appears to be working -lights up and a click can be heard from dash area (relay?)
havent checked relay as cant locate it and handbook does not say where it is
Posted: Nov 28, 2010 (14 years ago)
1st check sor voltage on window should be 12v one side about 0.1v other side,5v in middle.if you hear relay then fault pron in wireing where it goes from tailgate to tailgate moves wires can eventually brake.pull back rubber outter to look for brake.
Posted Nov 29, 2010 (14 years ago)

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