Is it related to the fuel level in the tank?
worse say when the tanks 1/4,1/2 ?
Thing is these can be a pain to diagnose,if there's no fault codes and live data shows up nothing untoward then it a proccess of elimination.
start where you want,the battery and starter Must turn the engine over more than 200 rpm on crank,is it?
the fuel MUST be delivered with sufficent amounts and no air,I keep a slave gallon tank to rule out the vechicle tank,do you need to bleed it when it wont start?
The CAS is a possible but would need 'scoped to check the waveform,no good just fitting a new one .it may be picking up stray signal noise from the starter,an alternative test is will it bump start when it's playing up?.
But it may be simpler/quicker to go to a diesel specialis,there's usually one local to most areas,see in the book.
Posted Nov 15, 2012 (12 years ago)