Subaru Impreza starting

Car: Subaru Impreza
Variant: WRX "bug eye "
Model Year: 2001
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
I have had a problem with starting the car in the last few days ,previously one turn of the key and it instantly fired ,it now seems to wind for what feels like and age,almost sounding like the battery is low and then just fires into life ,any ideas?
Posted: Mar 11, 2010 (15 years ago)
Could try this ,

Cold weather crank no start


Okay i know theres a few people that are having this problem, mines not the battery. The car isnt starting in the cold till after a few minutes of me trying. Today i actually had to roll my car down the driveway into the sun and sit for a min and then it started. I tried to pop the clutch, put it wouldnt even budge. I dont have a heated spot to store the car, so does anyone know of a universal block heater, or how much the subaru heater is? Any tips? I have a few mods UP thats angled wrong, ACT flywheel, downpipe

Posts: 9,310 Quote:
Originally Posted by 04blkWRX
Turn your key to "ON" but do not start the car. Give it a few seconds, then start the car. This should fully pressurize the fuel system so you can start easily.

The OEM block heater is about $25. Here's a link for an '04

Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: lawton, oklahoma
Posts: 427
wifes car had that problem.. was some bad sensor can't remember which one..... got it replaced but on really cold days just do what the guys above stated...
Hawkeye Alliance # 1320 07 UGM STI
Military Militia #1320

Posted Mar 11, 2010 (14 years ago)
Thanks I gave this a go seemed to help a bit but still not starting as before any other suggestions? once started it runs fine ,even starts when hot are winding over longer than before.
Posted Mar 11, 2010 (14 years ago)

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