Skoda Fabia gearbox bearings

Car: Skoda Fabia
Variant: 1.2
Model Year: 2009
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Hi, Can anyone advise me please. i bought a used Skoda. 1 year old from Skoda dealership. I've had it just over 3 years and the mileage is just on 30,000. When i bought it it had 18,500 miles on the clock. It had now started to make a noise that the dealership and an indepandent registered garage have told me is the gearbox bearings. The gearbox is sealed, has no leaks of oil etc. and the repair is going to cost me £961 plus vat. I'm thinning this could be a fault on the gearbox as its a young car with low mileage. can anyone advise me on how best to approach the maufacturer. I'm heartbroken as I still owe £4600 on the finance. :(
Posted: Aug 28, 2013 (11 years ago)
To what degree of noise is coming from the box ,will some anti friction addative resolve the issue ?and is this diagnosis 100percent correct? Is there plenty of oil in it?you could try customer services ,I am surprised your garage has not tried on your behalf to get some sort of goodwill contribution as this failure is surely premature,other option is second hand box .
Posted Aug 28, 2013 (11 years ago)
Hi The best way to describe the noise is a whirring or the noise of a child remote control aeroplane when ticking over, noise goes when clutch depressed and back again. After 2nd gear I can't hear the noise until I slow down again. Both Skoda Dealership and Independent garage have told me the same thing about the bearings. I'll take your advice and contact the Skoda Manufacturer and see where that takes me.
Many thanks for responding.
Posted Aug 29, 2013 (11 years ago)
find a good gearbox specialist ask a few garages in your area who they recomend then get there opinion and price sounds like input shaft bearing
Posted Aug 29, 2013 (11 years ago)
About the only people who really know would be the specialist overhaulers,not Skoda!
Gearbox specialist repairers see umpteen boxes and generaly know what's good or bad in any given make/model.
And ,as you've found out,main dealer prices are a bit high,
most main dealer haven't even seen inside most boxes!
it's just not done anymore,they send them back to the manufacturer and either fit new or O/E recon.
So even if you are not buying from the recon guys they will know of any inherent faults.
Posted Aug 29, 2013 (11 years ago)
Mine crunches when going into 3rd gear if that the revs below 1000 rpm it's fine any1 else have this problem?
Another problem I'm haven is the drive belt there's a lot off oil round it only put new belt on and oil round altanator can any1 help
Posted Jan 13, 2016 (9 years ago)

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