Seat Ibiza battery draining

Car: Seat Ibiza
Variant: 1.2
Model Year: 2009
Drive the car to and from work every day, round trip of about 4 miles and a couple of short trips in the evening. When I'm off at the weekend the car might not be driven on a saturday at all. Happened again this weekend, wasn't driven on the saturday and went to start the car on the Sunday morning, wouldn't start. I'd bought a small battery charge kit from Halfords for these occassions. If there's any lights coming on on dash, connecting the charger more often than not will start the car after a few turns. If the battery is too far down after the one day not driving, it wont start at all and have to borrow a heavy duty charger. Any ideas, thanks in advance
Posted: Feb 9, 2020 (5 years ago)
Get your battery load tested . If any weak cells it wont hold a charge . Could also check alternator output . If battery o.k , check for a parasitic drain .
Posted Feb 10, 2020 (5 years ago)

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