Seat Ibiza loss of power / acceleration

Car: Seat Ibiza
Variant: 1.2S
Model Year: 2002
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
I have recently experienced a loss of power when driving along.

I am driving along at 20mph in 3rd and press the accelerator, but get no response. I take my foot off the accelerator or drop down a gear and back up and the power returns.

The car has warmed up when this happens.

This happened tonight at about 10mph when pulling out of a junction and changing into 2nd gear. It seemed quite dangerous as I had to bide my time, take my foot off the accelerator and then try again and the power comes back.

I have had the car diagnosically checked and error codes cleared (coolant sensor error). The car then worked ok for a couple of weeks. Then the problem returned and the coolant temperature sensor has been replaced today, but the problem continues.

The only other electrical problem I have is that one of the rear doors doesnt work on the central locking.

Can anyone suggest anything or have you had similar problems fixed?
Posted: Feb 6, 2012 (13 years ago)
Sounds like you may have an intermitant misfire causing the power loss, when the problem occures pop round to your garage for look
Posted Feb 7, 2012 (13 years ago)
Hi, I know this is an old question but I am having the same problem with my 2002 Ibiza.
Did you manage to find the problem and get it fixed?

I have taken it to a mechanic/garage and they couldn't not find any error codes and said to keep using it and see if it gets worse. This isn't really an option as it is unsafe to drive.
Posted Mar 4, 2013 (11 years ago)
Hi this really does sound strange but check your brake lights all work I had the same problem and my brake lights were not working and as soon as I changed them it stopped the problem
Posted Jul 19, 2013 (11 years ago)
The rear lights out solution has totally cured our exact fault. I said really but was to coincidental as our rear light was out. Changed bulb, took car out , fault totally gone, been playing up for weeks so bang on solution.
Joined forum just to let you people know a great solution. Credit to other post
Posted Apr 16, 2015 (9 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Jul 5, 2017 (7 years ago)

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