Renault Scenic starting problems

Car: Renault Scenic
Variant: 1.6 manaul
Model Year: 2002
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Hi I have a 1.6 petrol renault megan scenic 02, It has suddenly developed a intimitent starting fault. When you turn the key all of the electrics turn on however nothing from under the bonnet as if the battery is dead or the starter motor is jammed. Battery is absolutely fine and jump starting dosent make a blind bat of difference, had a new starter motor and fly cable and all the wire connections checked with no answer to what is wrong with it.. The car does bump start and this is what we have to resort to even when the AA came to help it resorted to this. Is anyone else having/had the smae problem? We have ran out of ideas please any suggestions or help would be greatly apprecaited. Alison
Posted: Feb 12, 2011 (14 years ago)
sounds like ignition switch fault,check all of the fuses and starter relay is switching.if it starts ok with bump start and you have a new starter motor fitted,if you bench test the starter motor does it work?check the crank trigger wire going to starter motor is getting a feed when cranking and that you have a good earth connection
Posted Feb 12, 2011 (14 years ago)
thank you will have a look tomorrow.. if still no sucess I will repost! :o)
Posted Feb 12, 2011 (14 years ago)

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