Volt meter testing is a waste of time .
I could join 8 little batteries from you TV remote and that would give me 12V but you wouldn't expect that to start a car,
Would you?
And your right,
Renaults can be nuts,
especially when it comes to wiring.
Last one I had in with similar problems I put in a new battery.
Told the owner to just drive it and ignore the light.
Well he told me later he got a couple of miles before the light came back on and then he turned around to come back and give me an earful.
and got half way back to me before the light went back off for good.
Phoned me next day to say it's fine.
Only then did he remember what I had actually told him about the light.
Renaults like all French cars seem to have found a way of making self destructing wire that "look" fine but collapse into dust as you have found out.
Oh and you could try too be less insulting about garages.
Most respondents either work in or run garages.
So this free advice comes from one of those places/people.
Get your battery either properly load tested or fit a new one.
Posted Feb 22, 2016 (9 years ago)