Renault Modus , tail stop and indicators all flash

Car: Renault Modus
Variant: 1.5 diesel
Model Year: 2004
Categories: Leaks & Noises
I have a problem with my daughters Renault modus.when the indicator is operated the stop, tail and indicator flash when the dipped lights are on. They seem to work ok when the lights are off but if the brake pedal is pressed then the brake lights start to flash. I have seen this happen if the light cluster is damp and it tracks etc., but its dry and I cant pinpoint the problem
Posted: Jan 27, 2013 (12 years ago)
Usually caused by faulty earth . If not that suspect bulb holder / lamp cluster .
Posted Jan 27, 2013 (12 years ago)
The earth on the rear light cluster (middle pin) to the wiring connector is shorting. Check the pins on sides and clean the black shorting marks off with fine emery paper. If shorted into the plastic holdr you may have to replace the rear light cluster. There is also a way by replacing/rerouting the earth away from the burnt pin to the wiring harness. Check on Youtube.
Posted Jul 18, 2020 (4 years ago)

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