Renault Megane clicking noise

Car: Renault Megane
Variant: 1.5 dynamic diese hatchbackl
Model Year: 2005
Categories: Steering, Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres
please help, I have a clicking noise when turning the steering wheel bothways it appears to only happen when on full lock?. I have checked the cv joints don't think it is anything to do with these as it still happens when the vehicle is stationary.
Would appreciate some help on this please.
Posted: Dec 28, 2011 (13 years ago)
Are you able to get a hand with this i.e. get someone to operate the steering whilst you try and locate the noise.check the steering column and coupling.
Posted Dec 28, 2011 (13 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem: clicking noise

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Posted Dec 28, 2011 (13 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Dec 28, 2011 (13 years ago)

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