Renault Kangoo glow plug light comes on whilst driving

Car: Renault Kangoo
Variant: 1.9 diesel
Model Year: 2001
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Hi, have a problem with my 2001 (Y reg) kangoo van, the glow plug light comes on whilst driving, it dosent flash just stays on constant, it starts juddering and losing power and sometimes it will just cut out and takes a bit of time to get started again, i put it to the garage for a diagnostics check and they said it was the fuel pump but im not to sure, I thought it was mabye an electrical problem, any ideas???

Posted: Mar 7, 2010 (14 years ago)
Hi just wondering how you got on with your problem? I have just purchased the same car today and have brought it up the road to Thurso with the exact same problems you have????

Can you let me know what you have found out?

Posted Mar 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem: glow plug light comes on whilst driving

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Posted May 16, 2010 (14 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem: glow plug light comes on whilst driving

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Posted May 16, 2010 (14 years ago)
Yeah i got this problem also! Pretty dangerous when pulling off sometimes as you lose power! Howeer i have noticed that if you wiggle the ashtray and then chnge gear it goes away lol. i know it sounds weird but it does work. hope this helps. (IThink it has something to do with the electrics and is linked o the engine management but dont quote me as im not a mechanic!!.
Posted Nov 21, 2010 (14 years ago)
Had this problem, glow ight would come on at odd times often just after the engine started .....and....located just under and behind the battery box [about 3 inches below and toward the bulkhead, a real pain to reach but can be done from above, is a connector block, about 2 inch cube, It has a spring clip type lock on it that can be squeezed to release the connection. Break this and check connections are clean then reconnect it, I seem to remember it has the accelarater cable or a cable going in one side and a bunch of wires out the other. I had to do this 2 or three times and then repeat about a month later. I was told the other fix was to change the throttle managment module....sounded expensive.
Posted Dec 30, 2010 (14 years ago)
i bought an 02 665 1.9d on monday and after fitting a stereo yesterday as it didnt come with one i got this problem, i can only assume its electrical as before tugging a few wires it was fine, i noticed the light came on while i had the ignition on but didnt think much of it as i was busy fumbling my way thru fitting the stereo but when i drove it later it came on and the car went all limp. i'm hoping this is a cheap fix as i've blown all my money on the van. i know nothing about engines or electrics so i'm truly hoping someone knows how to sort this in a novice friendly way
Posted Aug 16, 2012 (12 years ago)
its the rotor sensor in the fuel pump and its fixable with a 0.25mm washer and should take a couple of hour. check renaultforum the solution in detail is on there
Posted Aug 27, 2012 (12 years ago)
Have you had a look at this similar problem:

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Posted Aug 14, 2017 (7 years ago)

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