I thought it was just the n/s door that locked , could be wrong .Certainly worth a look at electrical contacts and pins on side door and pillar . Check wiring behind , push pins in and make sure contacts clean and good contact .Just found this on another site ,
Answer Kangoo safety feature locks door
The kangoo has a safety feature built in that locks the n/s sliding door when the petrol cap is removed, otherwise the door overlaps the petrol tank filler when opened.
The system uses a small magnet in the side of the petrol cap assembly to trigger a reed switch that then operates the locking unit.
The presence of the magnet keeps the switch open and prevents the door from locking and when removed locks the door.
My first course of action would be to make sure that the magnet is still there, it should attract an iron object. Then check fuses etc.
Hope that helped.
Posted Jan 25, 2010 (15 years ago)