Car: Renault Espace Variant: renault espace r n helios Model Year: 1973
Engine & Drivetrain
When engine is running its overheating .Cooling fans do cut in ,but it still overheaing , expansion tank bubbles .NO hot air in car just cold. When engine switch off you can still hear bubbling sounds in side car .
Posted: Dec 5, 2010 (14 years ago)
Could be head gasket .If losing water ,a pressure test on cooling system should show any external leaks and a sniff test (block test ) will check head / gasket .Once cause of leak has been found and repaired , thermostat needs checking and correct amount of antifreeze added .
Posted Dec 5, 2010 (14 years ago)
Posted Dec 6, 2010 (14 years ago)
I also have a problem with my car over heating the faster i go in my car the quicker the fan kicks in and the temp light comes on the dash board, i check the water tank and its bubbling and the water pipes making a sucking noise, i never had this problem until i had a water pipe replaced, and my garage tell me they cant remove the air blockage or worse case the head gasket may be leaking.How can i get someone to check this please help.
Posted Apr 6, 2011 (13 years ago)
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