Renault Clio camshaft due phaser circuit

Car: Renault Clio
Variant: 1.6
Model Year: 2006
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Had a warning light come up last week in the wife's clio. Check emissions warning message, and Toxic fumes lights.

Booked into renault today, decided to fill with petrol before going in, the warnings dissappeared when re-starting. Took it into the garage anyway for diagnostics, and came back with errors Df080 camshaft dephaser circuit as most likely, DF088 knock sensor circuit, and DF119 camshaft sensor signal.

Garage have suggested replacing the dephaser circuit, and also changing the cam belt when there (car almost has 70k on it).

I wouldn't mind, but not convinced this is the problem, it seems to drive ok. I'm reluctant to spend anything major on it, hoping to order new car next week so just need to nurse it through for a month or so. I had a trade in price which I was happy with, but now have this fault to sort!

Any advice or easy fixes?
Posted: Feb 3, 2015 (10 years ago)
Cambelt is overdue if not been changed before .Expensive repair for work Renault advise but also very expensive if not done and any parts fail .You are caught between a rock and a hard place , your choice .If the light is out now and you restrict usage , you MIGHT get away with it .
Posted Feb 3, 2015 (10 years ago)

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