Renault Clio missing when warm

Car: Renault Clio
Variant: 1.2 Expression
Model Year: 2001
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss

My daughter has a problem on her clio, again, when warm and parked on a hill facing up or down it has a problem starting and keeps cutting out due to low revs. It's ok when cold or if parked on the flat.

Posted: Jan 16, 2012 (13 years ago)
Hi Alan, it might be worth getting the fuel filter changed. A blocked or partially blocked filter can give the problems you describe and if the problem persists get the fuel pressure checked by a garage.
Posted Jan 16, 2012 (13 years ago)
The angle of parking certainly indicates a fluid issue of some kind affecting induction but as fuel sytems/filters are not generally affected in this way I would look elsewhere to the air intake "plenum" chamber assuming one is fitted, usually found attached by a large rubber pipe going from the brake servo toward the inlet manifold. water and leaves trapped in here can cause air delivery constriction and water drops in the air when the engine is running. Extra water in the air would normally be strangely beneficial when the engine's running faster delivering more power smoother, and more fuel efficiently. look for a cannister somewhere along the large brake servo pipe and check the drain at the bottom of the cannister is clear. this water can wreck brake servos and dangerously ice up your brakes in extreme cold; so if it is full of water, get the brake servo checked for rust, drained and dried out urgently. The water won't affect the diaphragm but it will rust the big spring that's in there and the housing.
Posted Jan 20, 2012 (13 years ago)

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