Reliant Robin engine cuts out after getting up to temperature

Car: Reliant Robin
Variant: mk2
Model Year: 2000
Categories: Electrics, ECU, Warnings & LightsLeaks & Noises
My Fathers car is currently in the garage and they cant seem to find the fault. It initially went in for a water leak and they replaced the water pump. Then on returning the vehicle it began to cut out when running. It went back to the garage and they have replaced the points, condenser and ignition coil. The problem still exists. They say it gets up to running temperature and then cuts out. Any help to resolve this issue would be greatly received
Posted: Mar 5, 2022 (2 years ago)
When you say cuts out , is it stalling , misfiring or just stopping altogether ?
Posted Mar 5, 2022 (2 years ago)
The garage used the term ( it just peters out) but i didn't speak to the actual mechanic that had worked on it. It was the manager as it was Saturday morning. He said they leave it outside running to test it and it Peter's out. I would imagine it stalls but cant be sure.
Posted Mar 6, 2022 (2 years ago)
Not the best way to find a fault and why it cuts out , leaving to idle unattended . It could be fuel pump related
Posted Mar 6, 2022 (2 years ago)
Thanks for your response. I agree totally. I asked them if it was fuel starvation and they had no answer. They used to have a Reliant mechanic but since he left they seem to be clueless, or just aren't interested in Reliants. Sorry about the late reply. I am using my wife's email address as when i tried mine it said it had already been taken. I must have made a mistake when joining.
Posted Mar 8, 2022 (2 years ago)
No problem . I cant remember what engine / carb set up on that car . But another thing to look at would be the carb , mixture and idle settings .
Posted Mar 8, 2022 (2 years ago)
This whole problem started after the water leak and then when fixed it began to cut out and then would run again after a short time My dad got it home and then it would not start the next day. the breakdown service attended and said it needed a new set of points, he adjusted the points to allow my dad to drive to the garage. They then replaced the points after about a week but the problem persists. There are two fuel filters on this vehicle they may require replacing but that means another long wait as they dont seem to be able to source the parts. I also wonder if they have left the choke out after starting it, which would make it stall after warming up. Ps its an SU carb.
Posted Mar 8, 2022 (2 years ago) Edited on Mar 8, 2022 (2 years ago)
They really should not have been stupid enough to leave the choke out . The SU carb is really easy to set up and adjust . Strange to have two fuel filters , looks like a basic in line fuel filter going by this of which there are plenty available .

Points are simple also , usually only need cleaned , gapped and replaced at intervals unless they are blue on the contact points due to burning which is caused by condenser failing .It's a very simple engine and setup which , I wish todays cars were the same in fixing .
Posted Mar 8, 2022 (2 years ago)
Hello, I also own a Reliant and I have the exact same problem. Did you manage to fix the problem? It would really help me if you answered, I'am also stuck in this problem.

Extra info,
I already replaced the sparkplugs, coil and the thermostat. I also checked the distributor and it has a new fuel filter.
After riding for about 5 a 10 minutes it slowly shutsdown and then doesn't start up. When trying to start it up you can hear it fire up to idle level but then instantly stops working.
Posted Feb 11, 2023 (2 years ago) Edited on Feb 11, 2023 (2 years ago)

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