\Couldn't agree more,
A pig to find and read.
Pretty easy when the box is out though.
But try this....
Front pf the gear box casting NOT THE BELL HOUSING!
There's a raised part of the casting,
forms almost like a plate.
Tapered rectangle,
H left end about 35mm.
H right end about 28 mm.
length 90 mm.
Numbers stamped in the middle.
Only other way to describe position is......
the gear box casing bolts to the bell housing...
Looking from fifth gear end at the bolt pattern holding g/box to housing,
from the top bolt,
going counterclock,
the raised plate is positioned between bolts 3 and 4.
So look for the raised alloy land/plate of the casing.using the sizes I've given.
There is no part of the alloy gearbox that size and shape apart from where they stamp the code and numbers.
And I usually run a wire brush in an angle grinder gently back and forth over the land surface to remove oxides and give it a polish.
A breeze to find,clean and read when the box is out.
Posted Jun 5, 2015 (9 years ago)