Never done one on that car ,but this info might help you from another forum .
00 2.0 Heater Blower Motor Not Working - mickeybo
Check fuse f40 (40 amp) ac/heater control module this can only be checked with engine
running if no voltage at fuse 40 then you most likely have a faulty ignition barrel
(common fault) Assuming the above checks are ok with engine idling you should be
getting a 12v feed to blower motor red wire. This heater motor is earthed through
control module (common fault) The controlmodule sits to the right hand side of blower
viewed from passanger side and has 2 multi plugs green in colour hope this helps
BestReguards Mickey Bo
Location Derry N/Ireland
Can't vouch for it , but worth a look .
Posted Feb 1, 2010 (15 years ago)