Peugeot 406 car key will not turn in door locks

Car: Peugeot 406
Variant: 2.0 diesel
Model Year: 1996
key will start car but not open manually or lock manually or by remote. car has not been used for 6 months
Posted: Sep 16, 2015 (9 years ago)
I presume they are seized in position due to lack of use. You have not clarified if the Key will actually go into the Barrell of the Lock. I would suggest a good dose of WD40 into the Lock and then coat the Key with Vaseline and retry having given the WD40 some time to work. Use only gentle force. You could also take off or partially remove the Door Card's to get access to the Barrell's. I know I had a 406 with a lock issue a few year's ago and I resolved it by getting access to the Barrell and removing it from the Door then freed it out.
Posted Jan 26, 2016 (9 years ago)

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