Thanks, I understand what you are saying...
We haven't assumed that checking it would be free, we've simply made some effort to establish if what it LOOKS like is under the warranty, to decide where to take it. She's then taken it to the garage she bought it from, but they're not the best or most cost effective place to take it if you know you're paying, hence making a best guess on the warranty situation first.
The issue is the fault remains undiagnosed, so neither we or the garage know if the as yet unidentified faulty part is covered by warranty. The garage seem reluctant to make further diagnostic efforts, instead they seem happy to quite literally say there ISN'T anything wrong with the car, and expect her to collect it and part with some money, end of. I am fully aware that the garage are within their rights to charge for time spent on diagnostics but I'm sure you agree people don't reasonably expect to pay money to have their broken car back when they were expecting it to be fixed, most likely under warranty!
So moving forward from here, if we eventually get the garage to diagnose and fix the fault and it is warranty, presumably they'll owe her a refund of the initial charge?
Posted May 25, 2011 (13 years ago)