Peugeot 307 economy mode

Car: Peugeot 307
Variant: 1.6 auto
Model Year: 2004
Categories: Leaks & Noises
Hi can somebody help. I have a 307 and the crankshaft pulley and fan belt snapped. Then economy mode came on windows/radio wont work. Replaced cranshaft pulley and fan belt still the same..been on the fourum and replaced with brand new battery still the same went back to fourum and read about shunt fuse removed it left it overnight checked fuel levels and put it back ,still the same...please can anyone help dont know what else to do!!thanks
Posted: Jan 23, 2011 (14 years ago)
does the car actually start? if it doesnt start economy mode will remain.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 (14 years ago)
if its been parked up for a while economy mode kicks in to save power, when it starts up economy mode should switch off after a min or so. if not it will need to be put on a diagnostic machine to see where the problem is.
Posted Jan 23, 2011 (14 years ago)

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