I think the chap was referring to the drive shaft bearing, which is called the intermediate bearing on the 307. The reason the guy thinks its coming from the front is because the noise is Cyclic, ie, it sounds like something is rubbing from a cyclindrical source. To me it sounds like amplified tyre noise, but the question is, amplified from where.
I have been trying to find a garage with one of these electronic ears (microphones) linked to a box of tricks and you sit in the passenger seat, switching between them whilst someone else drives, thus locating the source of the noise, but no-one in Scotland seems to have heard of it.
Really really frustrating that something so simple, cant be traced.
Anyway, I have bought myself one of these mechanical stethoscopes and will go over the car it whilst the wife drives and see if I can pinpoint it.
Posted Jan 13, 2011 (14 years ago)