if this is a switch fault you will be able to feel no resistance when
switch is operated,more likely to be in lift position,also no click
when switch is operated.remove switch by removing screw and prising out switch unit.remove wiring by moving catch on switch and pulling
plug.remove the top plate of switch(bit with coin recess).lever the 6
or so clips on the edge,i used a small penknife.lever the mirror operator vertically upwards.now you can remove the top of the switch,
bit with window image.press the thin white piece inwards on one side
and pull gentley upwards and then the other side.you should then be
able to find the small broken operator,thin white piece.glue this in
position with superglue using a cocktail stick to apply.when dry you
can add more glue between the white and black piece of switch top,
making it stronger than before,was designed to brake.replacing is just
a matter of pushing together,far easier than taking apart.
Posted Aug 14, 2014 (10 years ago)