Peugeot 307 rear wiper

Car: Peugeot 307
Variant: 2.0 110bhp sw
Model Year: 2004
The rear rear wiper has dropped down to half past when put back to quaternary past it just falls down again in other words the wiper is limp
Posted: Aug 10, 2015 (9 years ago)
On most cars usually a nut under plastic cover that holds arm onto a spline or taper .Usually just need positioned and nut tightened unless different on that car ..
Posted Aug 10, 2015 (9 years ago)
This the one where the actual rear glass is a separate door,
and opens without the rear hatch having to open'?
If so then look to the mechanism.
problems with the gear at the bottom of the arm if I recall.
Posted Aug 10, 2015 (9 years ago)

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