Peugeot 307 engine not starting

Car: Peugeot 307
Model Year: 2000
Sometimes the engine starts and sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't you turn the ignition key and get a high pitched beeping but the engine doesn't turn over. It as gone through Peugeot diagnosis at garage but can find nothing wrong with it ?
Posted: Jul 22, 2015 (9 years ago)
Sounds very like an intermittent fault with the anti theft system,
If the key/chip and ECU don't recognise each other the system won't work,
the key WILL turn and dash lights come on but the computer won't power up,
and the starter wont spin over.
So it's back to the garage and scan for faults in the security system and BSI.
Sounds like your guys only scanned for engine faults.
Posted Jul 22, 2015 (9 years ago)
it should still turn over even if a fault with the key transponder.It may be a fault with the ignition switch itself.Or the bm34
Posted Jul 22, 2015 (9 years ago)
Granted the BM34 is a suspect,
So I guess my question is would it bump start?
At least that would establish IF the engine systems are powering up.
Or if the ECU is still not powering up.
Posted Jul 22, 2015 (9 years ago)
My Peugeot 307 sw just cut out whilst driving at normal speed. Dash lights everything still on no warning lights or error codes. When trying to start it again its as if the solonoid doesn't kick in the starter just spins. What can be the problem?
Posted May 6, 2017 (7 years ago)

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